好吧,这是一个新的(至少对我来说):守护者今天的报告在“单声道”上,一个人只吃一种食物。如同安德鲁·霍里卢克(Andrew Hawryluk),他们显然连续186天在洛杉矶的Chipotle吃了同一顿饭。或者迈克·罗马,来自新泽西州哈肯萨克(Hackensack),他说他过去37年每晚都吃了一个普通的奶酪披萨。我确实记得读过珍妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)在她度过的所有岁月里每天都有相同午餐的地方(凯撒沙拉)朋友们。
在这一类别附近盘旋,但并非完全吃其他东西,这是杰基·佩奇(Jackie Page),这是一个77岁的曾祖母,来自英格兰萨里的Carshalton,她“透露她每天都喝四罐百事可乐。透明我的胰岛素水平刺激了。不仅如此,她从13岁开始就这样做了,所以64年。守护者数学这样,所以您不必这样做:那就是“在连续23,375天内,大约93,500罐百事可乐。”她必须拥有整个萨里的最有利可图的牙医。
She couldn’t care less what her dentist or anyone else thinks about her, um, inclination, however: “It’s just something I like and I can’t help it if I don’t like anything else… I have never drank water—and even if I was dying [of thirst], no way would I.” Damn. Could Pepsi’s combo of a ton of sugar along with artificial flavorings possibility have contributed to this granny’s considerable longevity and tenacity? I suppose at this point a switch to Diet Pepsi would be relatively futile. Not that she would even consider it.