更新,2021年9月23日:还记得去年以及在此之前的大多数年份,假期始于十月吗?好吧,现在他们从9月开始。这是当您允许的时候,您会得到的时间无政府状态南瓜香料季节从8月中旬开始, 和劳动节后刚开始万圣节。
This week Kellogg’s Elf on the Shelf breakfast cereal has returned to supermarket shelves nationwide, because just as it is (apparently) never too early in the year for Christmas cheer, it’s also never too early in the day to eat 200 miniature sugar cookies in a big bowl of milk.
冬天秋天,凯洛格(Kellogg)在货架谷物上推出了另一种全新的精灵,仅在沃尔玛(Walmart)可用。今年的节日限量版风味是热可可,其中包括可可涂的星星和白色迷你棉花糖。188asia金宝博官网(同时,在全国和在线杂货店都可以使用Sugar Cookie品种。)
Anyway, if you want to get these cereals for your kids, here’s the deal: Elf on the Shelf Sugar Cookie Cereal—which is cookie-flavored red and green “star pieces” and mini marshmallows dusted with edible glitter—is now available at supermarkets nationwide. If you’re not much for glitter in your cereal and would rather have something that tastes slightly like toothpaste, a Vanilla Candy Cane Cookie—which is just the red “star pieces” with white “crunchlets” and minty mini marshmallows—is available exclusively at Walmart. Remember to take in the joy in your children’s faces as they eat their festive cereal as you eat your cold overnight oats. Those little bastards will never know just how damn good they have it.