我对大自然和持怀疑态度懒惰,这似乎都不适合复杂的烹饪项目。因此,当我上个月在布鲁克林的烤箱里参加烘焙课时,我只是希望从派专家那里学到一些有趣的假期甜点Erin McDowelland bread pro马丁·菲利普(Martin Philip)((also head baker at King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont) and then walk away with some recipes in hand. When they announced that all of that day’s treats would involve making laminated dough, I took a step back from the demo station, continued walking backward all the way to the refreshments table, and poured myself a generous splash of Vermont cider. I wouldneverbe able to replicate laminated dough, known to cause even the pros some strife.
Puff Pastry(或者,如果您是法国人,PâteFeuilletée)是一种臭名昭著的淡淡的片状面团,它是通过将脂肪(黄油)和面团通过几轮精致的折叠而产生的。正确折叠需要巨大的耐心或巨大的运气,涉及使面团冷却,将其推出,将其折叠,冷却并准备在下一轮推出新褶皱的节奏旋转。黄油比,厨房温度和面团质地必须精确,以在烘烤时产生薄片。
但是粉扑并不像看起来那样难,或者至少您可以采取一些捷径。我班上展示的更简单的方法“粗糙”或“ Blitz Puff”在专业人士和家庭面包师中都变得越来越受欢迎,吸引了任何对花24小时周期冷却和折叠面团不感兴趣的人。当您选择替代方法时,可以在一个混合和折叠周期中完成泡芙糕点过程。
有了新鲜的粉扑面团,黄油棕色和焦糖味道令人愉悦,这是由不如一组人手制造的机械制造的东西几乎不可能的。褐色的黄油在您的烘焙食品上产生了光泽的光泽,这不仅是咬人的荣幸,而且对Ahem造影仪。而且,经过一些提前准备,Rough Puff可以在大约一个小时内烘烤,这比大多数杂货店的送货服务要快得多。
Mix the dry ingredients, then fold in the butter (sliced into small pats) with your fingers or a fork. Add cold water in splashes and knead the dough together on a floured surface, until it’s a cohesive log (or lump). Butter clumps should still be visible—these will be what create the flaky puff. Roll out the lump into a rectangle, dust both sides with flour, and fold the shortest end of the rectangle into thirds, like a letter folded for a snail mail envelope. Turn it 90 degrees, re-roll it into a similar size rectangle, and repeat the fold. Typical puff doesn’t combine these folding steps into one move, but you’re efficient, and your time is valuable.
Finally, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill it in the fridge. Watch an episode of席特溪,然后检查您的面团;如果触摸很冷,它可以推出并烘烤。如果在任何时候,黄油在使用时都会感觉太融化,请将其扔在冰箱或冰箱中几分钟(寒意是必不可少的),然后准备好烘烤片状。
您应该如何使用泡芙糕点?有了层压面团,这些选择是无穷无尽的,我仍然发现Rough Puff的全部潜力。菲利普(Philip)证明,饼干切割机可以用来切割形状,然后将其上面放在剩下的东西上,从剩下的碎火鸡和莎莎酱到糖果甘蔗(请涂上包装)。
Now that I’ve overcome my puff pastry fears, I hope the same for any of you currently sipping cider in the back of a baking class. Right now, I’m loving chocolate puff, and I’m looking forward to experimenting with matcha. There’s something about dyed dough that impresses guests. (And Instagram followers.)