我当然可以欣赏迪士尼世界的魔力。What I appreciate more, though, are the Facebook groups devoted to it, because “Disney People” are a fascinating bunch, and ever since their Vatican shuttered in response to the COVID-19 pandemic back in March, they’ve spent a solid two months freaking out. I have seen people talking about getting cheap flights to Orlando just so they can stand outside the park and “feel its magic.” A man was recently arrested for breaching Disney’s sacred perimeter so he could spend quarantine露营(此后,他被永久禁止所有迪士尼财产)。迪士尼的魔力似乎使这些人活着。幸运的是,迪士尼温泉,迪士尼世界的餐饮和娱乐胜地迪士尼温泉开始了分阶段重新开放如今,允许公园附近的第三方商店和餐馆向公众开门。(目前,酒吧和娱乐场所将保持关闭,实际公园及其所有游乐设施也将保持关闭。)
在一个每天欢迎53,000人的主题公园中,避免其他人几乎是不可能的。尽管 ”增强的健康和安全措施,”根本没有任何防止Covid-19的人进入度假村的热密度。因此,进入迪士尼财产的任何人现在都必须签署豁免承认在地球上最快乐的地方度过的一天的风险。根据CNN,豁免部分读:“通过访问沃尔特迪斯尼世界度假村,您自愿承担与暴露有关的所有风险。”你会冒险吃这些风险吗鸡家伙!?