According to its official website, Whole Foods’ Starkey Spring bottled water began its journey to shelves over 11,000 (!!!) years ago when melting snow atop the nearby mountains began to trickle into the 2.5-million-year-old (!!!) Imnaha Basalt volcanic formation. Thousands of years later, the heat of our planet’s fiery mantle forced the water back to the earth’s surface through cracks and fissures in the basalt, resulting in a pure, unadulterated spring water that’s “lightly mineralized and silky smooth.” Know what one of those minerals is, according to Consumer Reports, the nonprofit consumer organization dedicated to unbiased product testing? Arsenic。即使丝滑光滑,砷也可以以足够高的浓度杀死您。
在发布的报告中周三,消费者监督小组声称,实验室分析表明,Starkey Spring Water包含“有关砷的水平”,范围为9.49至9.56分。从法律上讲,这很好。联邦法规说,水可以接受,以下十亿砷的10份。消费者报告有长期以来一直在敦促为了公共安全起见,美国政府将这一限制为每十亿分的3份,但到目前为止,没有骰子。While enjoying the occasional bottle of Starkey Spring won’t do any damage, drinking it regularly and in high volume could potentially be a problem, as the report says that “even small amounts of the heavy metal over extended periods increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and lower IQ scores in children.”
Whole Foods回应了该报告,说其水符合FDA对砷含量的要求,并告诉CNN除了让Starkey Spring Water每年通过FDA认证的实验室进行测试外,它还收缩了一个经过认可的第三方实验室,可以在瓶装和出售之前测试每次生产水。
这不是第一次在Starkey Spring上吹口哨。2019年,由环境卫生中心还发现水中的砷水平高于平均水平,承诺将游说全食物从商店货架上取出。Before we all simply accept that we’re going to have to chug a little bit of arsenic if we want to keep enjoying the minerals and silky smoothness of ancient spring waters, Consumer Reports reminds us that it tested 45 other bottled water brands and found they all had “undetectable amounts of arsenic, demonstrating that lower levels are feasible.”