
照片Effrey Greenberg/教育图像/通用图像组((盖蒂图像

我们收到了您可能想访问的网站的消息。它的freectc.com。尽管此URL听起来像是某种阴暗的信用评分报告服务,但“ CTC”实际上代表肉桂吐司紧缩,无论他们是否愿意承认,每个人都喜欢的早餐谷物。“免费CTC”是指以下事实:在整个9月,该品牌都赠送了100万盒肉桂吐司紧缩 - 这一事实是,几乎每个人都在大流行期间购买大量早餐谷物,一般磨坊是打扫干净

从技术上讲,这种“免费的”肉桂吐司紧缩赠品是一个回扣程序。您可以购买一盒谷物,上传收据,并收到奖励代码,以您支付的金额,可兑换为Venmo或Snail邮件付款。The fine print says the rebate will refund up to $6.50 excluding tax, and I sincerely hope none of you are paying more than that for a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch—though if you are, I can’t say I don’t understand you. There’s nothing quite like it.

有趣的是,这种赠品是Cinnamon Toast Crunch母公司General Mills的疯狂Q4的结果。From March to May of this year, the company’s cereal sales grew 26% in the U.S. “Families are eating cereal now more than ever,” reads a press release on the giveaway, and while there’s no actual mention of a global crisis that’s keeping us inside and seeking the most comforting foods imaginable, that’s definitely the subtext. Can you think of any other reason for marketing emails to include the phrase “now more than ever” in the year 2020?

