Chick-fil-A以几件事而闻名:非常受欢迎的鸡肉三明治,并在周日关闭。根据公司网站,创始人S. Truett Cathy“看到周日关闭的重要性,以便他和他的员工可以预留一天休息和敬拜,如果他们选择的话,我们今天坚持一种练习。”
但是所有规则都应该被打破,北卡罗来纳州的小鸡 - 刚刚违反了本周日的统治。北卡罗来纳州的WTVD有报道称,特许经营者多诺万(Donovan)和尼克(Nikki)的赛车对佛罗伦萨飓风的报告感到震惊,并问他们的员工是否想聚在一起并提供帮助。(Although it’s not clear from the local news stories so far if this Chick-Fil-A was actually open for business, or just open so that its staff to make the food donations.) The crew then “coordinated with the Red Cross, and, 500 sandwiches and 1,200 nuggets later, people at three different shelters in the area had a hot, free meal.” The Carlesses even delivered some of the food personally. Seems like an extremely good reason for straying from that particular tradition.