那加利福尼亚的“ Killjoy”诉讼现在已经过去了:法官昨天裁定该州的咖啡将不得不带有癌症警告标签。这是由于以下事实:咖啡含有丙烯酰胺,丙烯酰胺是加利福尼亚州列为“已知会导致癌症”的化学物质。所以华盛顿邮报和其他媒体are reporting this morning that “Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle sided with a nonprofit’s case against dozens of coffee companies, including Starbucks [the lead defendant], Peets and other chains, saying that businesses that sold coffee were in violation of a state regulation requiring businesses with at least 10 employees to disclose the prevalence of carcinogens and toxic chemicals.”
法官说,由于被告和原告都同意咖啡含有丙烯酰胺,因此被告未能证明咖啡在无害的水平上含有这种物质。法官写道:“被告未能证明其没有风险或根本没有给咖啡增添任何健康益处。据美联社报道,辩方的负担表明咖啡中的丙烯酰胺不会对每10万人造成一个或多个癌症,但法官说,这种风险尚未得到适当评估。”因此,California Coffee现在将带有警告标签。
但帖子’s Tim Carman points out that, “the scientific evidence linking acrylamide to cancer in humans is scant… According to the American Cancer Society, studies have found that acrylamide increases the risk of cancer in rats and mice when the chemical is placed in the animals’ drinking water at doses ‘1,000 to 10,000 times higher than the levels people might be exposed to in foods.’” Which seems a bit excessive.