


We’re heading into some of the busiest travel days of the year, when many of us will have to endure interminable bottlenecks at security, overpriced airport food, the indignity of sitting on the floor at the gate, and overcrowded flights before being united with our loved ones. And that’s just when things go as they’re supposed to. Add in delays that mean extra hours in the airport and the whole experience becomes even more hellish.

但是汉堡王在这里为您服务!从现在到12月30日,CNN业务报告,汉堡王将免费提供不可能的whopper任何要求一个的延迟和饥饿的旅行者。可悲的是,这并不意味着,一旦您发出困扰的信号,汉堡王本人就会立即找到您并手工送您的汉堡。这意味着您可以去汉堡王应用程序,填写表格,并获得不可能的惠普券,每当您碰巧遇到汉堡王时,您就可以在方便方面兑换。这确实使这看起来更像是一种营销策略,让更多的人尝试(并可能沉迷于)不可能的事情,而不是对滞留的旅行者的真正关心,但仍然……没有其他人似乎在这样做,那么玩得很好, 汉堡王。