When a story like this comes down the pipeline, there’s a certain guilt inherent in passing it on, as though doing so will sidestep the thousands upon thousands of hard-working fast-food franchise employees who actually do their jobs well every day, and as a result, do not make any kind of headlines or get the attention they deserve. But then someone goes and wipes restaurant tables with a dirty-ass mop, and we’re reminded of why the worst among us make the most news.
news4jax最初报道了这一争议,与一位杰克逊维尔的女人说话,她的孩子们在水果湾(Fruit Cove)和孩子们一起吃饭时,他们看到员工在几分钟前坐在餐桌上擦桌子。”(她还威胁要“每一页上的审查”。news4jax:“视频中描述的动作是不可接受的,并且与我们的品牌标准或运营程序不符。我们有关于清洁和食品安全的严格规程。餐厅老板将在所有运营方案中重新培训他的团队。”
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