即使你在恰恰在于keto饮食的比较细分的情况下,你也可能在过去一年内更常见的这个学期。根据梅奥诊所的说法,酮饮食的高脂肪,低碳水化合物方案意味着您的身体开始燃烧脂肪的能量,是一种称为酮症的状态。(All that fat plus a prohibition against many nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits, the Clinic notes, is “a concern for long-term heart health.”) A lack of studies on keto’s long-term effects hasn’t slowed the popularity of the diet, and “keto-friendly” foods are popping up everywhere from麦片过道剥离购物中心披萨连锁店。
进入Blaze Pizza,第二个增长最快的餐厅链在该国,今天在全国300多个地点推出其新的keto披萨。根据新闻稿,地壳只有六克碳水化合物;Blaze的网站将其成分列为花椰菜饭,马苏里拉奶酪,酪蛋白,亚麻籽,鸡蛋,乳清蛋白,酵母,香料和培养糙米。它配上辣红酱,马苏里拉,奥维拉尼马苏里拉,培根,樱桃西红柿,蘑菇和菠菜。Blaze也在推出另外三种新馅饼,包括keto地壳加上肉类的“蛋白质披萨”;素食披萨;和素食披萨。
我们at.188betios下载对面部的keto披萨不太感兴趣,更感兴趣的是火焰的发射意味着饮食持续的人气。Companies as large as Blaze have done their research before launching new products—they’ve crunched the numbers, analyzed the trend data, and are banking on the keto trend continuing to deliver enough sales to offset the research and development that goes into new product launches. That keto pizza has reached a chain posted up in strip malls跨越41个州表明高脂肪,低碳水化合物革命毫无疑问地击中了主流。