For us, books about food are a no-brainer when it comes to gift buying. They teach us how to cook, tell stories of far-flung places, and help us understand what it’s like to experience the stories others have to tell. There are so many books that grace our shelves at188betios下载,他们中的一些人永远为亲人送来永恒的礼物,坦率地说,您自己。总结其中的任何一本书中的一本,您肯定会赠送一份礼物,该礼物将在未来几年内一直赠送。
Rodney Scott’s World Of BBQ
Rodney Scott’s World Of BBQ
We embracedbackyard barbecue今年,这是一种度过夏日的悠闲而美味的方式。这是一个细微的主题,一开始可能会令人生畏,但是一旦您将基础知识倒下,您就可以将几乎所有的肉变成一顿值得品尝的烟熏餐。当然,拥有一本好的参考食谱是关键,今年的杰出表现是Rodney Scott’s World of BBQ, which has accessible and magnificently delicious recipes for your grill or smoker. It’s also a great read that delves into the challenges of making a successful business.
Any of the Jacques Pépin Fast Food My Way series
Any of the Jacques Pépin Fast Food My Way series
188betios下载是大粉丝of雅克·佩平他的魅力和友好的魅力,以及他对法国美食的深刻烹饪知识。他的电视节目温暖而随和,并教了几代家庭厨师如何在自己的厨房里制作简单的食物。他的整本书系列Fast Food My Way提供快速可口的食谱,同时将无聊的食品储藏室变成绝对的金矿。这些书具有启发性,是新手和经验丰富的家庭厨师的完美礼物。
leela punyaratabandhu的任何东西
leela punyaratabandhu的任何东西
如果您曾经对泰国食品感兴趣,Leela Punyaratabandhu’s cookbooks是绝对必备的。Punyaratabandhu是一位有关泰国美食的专家老师,她的三本书,简单的泰国美食:泰国家庭厨房的经典食谱;东南亚烤架的味道:海鲜的经典食谱和用木炭烹制的肉;and曼谷:泰国心脏的食谱和故事are an excellent resource to fuel your love of Thai cuisine. They’re a timeless resource for any Thai food enthusiast.
In The Weeds: Around the World and Behind the Scenes with Anthony Bourdain
In The Weeds: Around the World and Behind the Scenes with Anthony Bourdain
Tom Vitale’s memoir,In the Weeds: Around the World and Behind the Scenes with Anthony Bourdain是a challenging readabout the legendary TV show host. But it’s also a deep insight into how powerful, impactfultelevision is madeand a plunging dive into Bourdain’s complicated character and personality.In the Weeds是not a long read, but it’s definitely a great one if you feel like you’ve wanted some insight into the chef’s life.
韩国食品并不以纯素食而闻名。许多Banchan食谱中通常会有很少的贝类或肉,而其一些最受欢迎的菜肴是烧烤,它们都是某种肉。乔安妮·李·莫利纳罗(Joanne Lee Molinaro),前律师转身社交媒体明星and cookbook author, made a life change some years back and became vegan. She missed Korean food dearly, and took it upon herself to turn all her favorite beloved dishes into versions she could eat, to fit her new lifestyle.韩国素食食谱但是,不仅仅是食谱。它包括她的成长经历中的一些甜蜜,一些困难的故事,这些故事塑造了她今天成为的人,以及美丽的摄影作品,值得一提。
作家Sonali Dev真的知道她的食物 - 她通讯甚至包括一本食谱书,以及她的最新系列,对食物的热爱以及它的联系方式是前面和中心。每本书拉杰斯系列(之所以命名是因为它跟随虚构的Rajes家族的成员)是对简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)小说的现代重述,带有一些美味的曲折。Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors跟随Neurosurgeon Trisha Raje,尽管她的成就仍然被认为是家庭的黑羊,而DJ Caine是一位新兴的厨师DJ Caine,他与Trisha发生冲突,然后最终,您知道这个故事。背景Recipe for PersuasionIs a cooking reality competition TV show on which Ashna Raje (a chef and Trisha’s cousin) reconnects with a childhood love, soccer player Rico Silva. The last two in the series,Incense and SensibilityandThe Emma Project(明年到期),并非明确以厨师为中心,但是开发人员对烹饪,印度美食的热爱以及她写的每一词都会出现食物的力量。
奶酪性死亡:痴迷奶酪的圣经埃里卡·库比克(Erika Kubick)是您一生中奶酪板制造商的完美礼物。就库比克而言,奶酪是一种宗教,她喜欢说,她在芝士教堂里崇拜。奶酪性死亡创建自己的十诫的奶酪诫命,这有助于将奶酪的复杂性质打破到基础上,从而为稀有的小批量的东西提供了负担得起的奶酪的特征。另外,包括奶酪填充食谱,以及奶酪板配方奶粉和饮料搭配,从非酒精性到啤酒,葡萄酒和烈酒。奶酪爱好者可以欢喜,玩得开心,并崇拜时髦的奶油。
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen
在图形小说回忆录中Relish: My Life in the Kitchen, cartoonist Lucy Knisley looks back on the food moments that shaped her, from making salad dressings with her chef dad as a kid to eating her way through different countries to working as a cheesemonger. Each of the book’s 12 chapters includes an illustrated recipe. Knisley’s approach brings the colorful dishes to life in a way that perfectly pairs with the often relatable and humorous coming-of-age tales she shares.
在H Mart哭
在H Mart哭
Crying in H Mart是音乐家米歇尔·扎纳(Michelle Zauner)的令人惊叹的脆弱性。在整个回忆录中,她回顾了她有时与母亲的动荡关系,母亲于2014年因癌症去世。Zauner在癌症诊断后,通过食物指出了母亲的恶化状态。Zauner通过食物来掌握她的韩国文化,并在她一生中的好时光和坏时光找到了安慰。
Braiding Sweetgrass
Braiding Sweetgrass
如果您或朋友喜欢our featureon Native communities reclaiming their corn, it’s time to pick upBraiding Sweetgrass。作者罗宾·沃尔·金梅勒(Robin Wall Kimmerer)是植物学家,也是公民波塔瓦托米国家(Potawatomi Nation)的成员,她从这两种经历中汲取了这种非小说类杰作,于2015年出版。Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer combines science and tradition to urge readers to reconsider their relationship with everything from strawberries to algae, making an argument for forming a reciprocal relationship with the plants and animals we harvest for food.
The children’s classics
The children’s classics
读食品书永远不会太早,幸运的是,仍然有经典的作品。这两个是一个很好的起点:The Very Hungry Caterpillar教授有关转型的教训随便你该死的If You Give a Mouse a Cookieoffers advice on setting boundaries and probably avoiding mice.