不。因此,您以食物为中心的半永久性小节单身汉覆盖范围结束了,很有用完全是一次。That’s not to say that the eighth episode’s most important scene, the climax of Zac C.’s one-on-one date with Tayshia, didn’t include some significant moments, and nor is it intended to ignore the significance of Ben talking openly about a decades-long battle with bulimia. But last week’s actual conversation between two people about stuff that matters makes a traditional Bachelor Nation recitation of struggles, no matter how compelling, ring a little extra false. So it’s back to business as usual: sloppy kissing, contrived drama, and food that no one eats.
Day-old pastries, bacon, two juices, breakfast wine, orange slices, a cake that’s definitely not real, something that requires a pour-over sauce, coffee, a pepperoni pizza made out of modeling clay, breakfast-in-bed made out of modeling clay, a brownie made out of modeling clay, a penis made out of modeling clay, more coffee, a carrot, some chicken, a salad with all the goat cheese picked off, a pile of picked-off goat cheese, mystery guacamole and margaritas, and the four components of emotional intelligence.
这一集始于泰希亚(Tayshia)仍在寻找爱情,特拉拉(Tra La La)的旅程,如此多的男人,如此幸福。她正在设置一个漂亮的脆脆的早餐,散布了两人,但是加入她的人不是她的求婚者之一,而克里斯·哈里森(Chris Harrison)也不是克里斯·哈里森(Chris Harrison),他本周离开了小泡沫状的,以便他可以带他的儿子上大学。而是由前单身汉Jojo Fletcher填补主持职责,如果您希望这会产生一个全新的激动人心的动态,那么您将感到失望。这是一个和平而有序的权力转移。她和塔西亚(Tayshia)不吃培根,糕点或一碗橙色楔子,这些楔子假设是从孩子的足球练习中偷走的。
这一集最好被描述为工人。即使是世界上普遍的怪异,这都是非常熟悉的领土。因此,当然,令人惊讶的是,所有的日期都只是[可用的La Quinta会议室]中的[随机活动],而且完全缺乏品种具有自己的超现实吸引力。但是,拿走了这一方面,这都是按数字绘制的。泰希亚(Tayshia)的第一个一对一仅仅是最新的照片拍摄,这是最奇怪的单身汉传统之一。So she and Zac C. try on a bunch of fancy clothes (none of his suits fit correctly, all of her “wedding” dresses are impeccably fitted, it’s amazing) and take some not-great pictures, and once it’s in front of a big fake cake. That’s fake, right? Has to be.
本周的小组约会当然是贝内特和诺亚都在上面的,这样他们就可以在电视上互相大喊大叫,这与创造精神有关。这些帅哥必须尝试素描裸体模型(如果您观看本周情节的一部分,将其制作出来;图纸真是太糟糕了),然后用Tayshia来创建其“旅程”的代表,而Tayshia则不在建模粘土中。And just like that, I have a new favorite among the roving pack of single men stalking the halls and parking lots of the La Quinta Bungalow Park And Art Emporium, because Spencer—he’s the one that looks like he just became a series regular on a mid-tier show on The CW—made his a pepperoni pizza, because who doesn’t love pepperoni pizza? Computer, enhance.
床上也有早餐,葡萄酒,布朗尼和阴茎的代表,因为布雷克显然是普通的美国破坏者。然后,他们做了“自画像”,这使塔西亚哭泣,而不是因为它们令人难以置信的愚蠢,而是因为他们都向她“开放”。One of the self-portraits is like a potato head with hearts around it, and that one is Ben’s, and he clearly knows it sucks because he decides to get naked and be like “this is me vulnerable, I am literally vulnerable in that I am on television covering my wang with my hands and talking about my feelings.” He gets the group date rose. The only other important development is that Bennett and Noah continue to be dicks at each other, the former in a “did I mention I went to Harvard and that you’d totally hate me if we met in real life but hey I’m great television” kind of way, the latter in a “we all know I’m just here to stir up shit, right?” kind of way, and at one point Noah tries to mock Bennett misspelling limousine by asking him to spell privilege, which Noah himself misspells in the process. Art!
这一集的第二个一对一日期与Eazy及其约会 - “鬼魂” - 是如此愚蠢我喜欢它的每一刻。显然La Quinta Heart O’Palm Springs睡眠宫是闹鬼,虽然我的侦探对故事制作人的烹饪很少见,但我发现了多个可疑的参考到拉金塔鬼,包括旅行顾问评论。尽管有荒谬的兴趣,但它确实看起来确实很有趣!即使世界旅行再次成为一种选择,也请更多类似这样的东西!Tayshia seems to agree with me, and they look like they’re having a great time, but then Eazy makes a fatal mistake—he ignores the fact that he got a comedy date and also barely knows this woman and plunges boldly ahead with the “I think I’m falling in love with you” talk. A risky maneuver! It’s like shooting the moon!
And in this case, it’s less shooting the moon and more shooting himself in his foot, as it takes Tayshia basically no time to say, “uh, that’s nice, but we barely know each other so you’re obviously full of shit,” though it comes out more like, “I like you but I don’t feel the same way and I don’t know if I can到达那里在我的旅行。”再见,Eazy!没有人吃食物,但是至少这一次,它们在那里不足以供任何饭菜。下一个!