

照片多米尼克·埃克尔特(Dominik Eckelt)((盖蒂图像


但是时代改变了,现在是自2011年以来的第一次,大萧条结束时,美国的咖啡店数量正在下降。监视此类事情的研究公司Euromonitor International预计,到2020年底,该国还会有25,307家咖啡店的收入为247亿美元。These still seem like huge numbers, but that’s 7.3% fewer coffee shops and 12% less revenue than in 2019. (It’s a big country. There are a lot of coffee shops.) This also means more unemployed workers and a loss of business for coffee producers since more优质豆倾向于在咖啡馆中食用而不是在家中。

研究人员还预计,寒冷的天气将导致另一个业务下降。“在这种新气候中取得成功的咖啡店将需要尝试像以前一样重新创建其许多流行的前杂志前属性,而与新的社会疏远现实保持一致”,Matthew Barry是Euromonitor的饮料顾问Matthew Barry,告诉NNY360。“这将包括在线移动许多方面,在这种情况下,在没有身体附近的情况下仍然可以进行个人参与。”


It’s unclear how, in this period of social distancing, coffee shops will be able to use the internet to recreate the experience of spending several hours hanging out someplace that isn’t home or work (the “third place,” as Starbucks called it during my barista training/indoctrination) for the cost of a single cup of coffee. Already several coffee shops I have known and loved have closed their doors forever. The only ones that seem to be benefitting these days are chains like Starbucks, Dunkin’, and McDonald’s, which, even before the pandemic, thrived on takeout business—a趋势在整个食品业务中,这是一般的。