温迪终于推出了新的早餐菜单and has been talking alot对其竞争对手的smack。上周,温迪(Wendy)要求其Twitter追随者(根据新闻稿)标签下方的“烤陈旧,旧早餐产品”#wendysbreakfastbattle然后“将疲倦的早餐习惯斗争到了一个新的战场 - 时代广场。”就像时代广场上的其他一切一样,它非常优雅:
温迪总是喜欢谈论一场大型游戏,但是当我去那里时,我得到了油腻的汉堡,掘金,炸弹庇护所蛋糕的质地以及使侧面沙拉看起来像是一个有吸引力的选择的薯条。我不想对温迪的感觉有这种感觉,并且相信每家餐厅都应该获得第二(或第47)的机会。我决定看看温迪是否真的有货物来备份所有垃圾谈话,它一直在互联网上喷出。我没有在新温迪的早餐菜单上尝试所有东西,因为即使有the things我放my body through为了缘故这个的网站,那将是完全疯狂的。取而代之的是,我从新菜单的每个部分中吃了一个项目,这更合理,但是仍然是一项巨大的工作,只有幻灯片形式的审查才能包含它。
As Wendy’s wanton displays of indulgence have thus far sullied the first week of Lent (during which my latent Catholic genes become hypersensitive to all acts of hubris, malarkey, and blatantly unnecessary pompousness), I was hoping that there would be at least one sandwich that proved to be one dilly of a humdinger to win my approval. Wendy’s will be quite happy to know that the Maple Bacon Chicken Croissant succeeded, and in spades.
First, let me call your attention to that croissant bun. I ordered all of these new breakfast items sight unseen and had prepared myself for a sloppy, crumbly mess of a croissant like the one Burger King has disappointed me with exactly twice. Wendy’s offering neither looks nor tastes as if it shares a single strand of DNA with its croissant competitors. The croissant is light and flaky, but has the sturdiness of a proper sandwich bun. It’s beautifully buttery without being too rich. And just look at that color and shine!
Because I was born and raised in New York City, I understand that no matter howbuttery或者sexual我的饼干是,很大一部分美国人会犹豫接受我对这个话题的看法。我希望那些人知道以来,自一月初以来饼干周, I conducted extensive biscuit-focused interviews with Southerners about important topics like aroma, texture, crumbliness etc. etc. Unprompted, every interviewee brought up their personal favorite fast food biscuit, which it seems to be quite the competitive category in the Battle for Breakfast Supremacy.
就像我之前提到的那样,我认为将培根放在三明治上通常是浪费,将培根放在汉堡上绝对是浪费。在理想状态下,培根搭配酥脆的生菜,好的番茄,以及在两片略带烤的无刺的白面包之间明智地分配的蛋黄酱。如果培根要参加任何形式的情况,那应该始终是主要事件,以便您可以充分欣赏其所提供的所有美丽事物。在汉堡上,它成为事后的想法,那就是恰恰the role it plays in Wendy’s classic Baconator, which is an absolute disaster of a burger. Inpictures,这是一款富丽堂皇的巨大的肉产品,上面饰有美国奶酪的窥视滴,色情的桃花心木培根卷发,在一个枕头,圆顶的面包上搭配蛋黄酱的单纯汤。实际上,我遇到的每一个培根剂都是两个油脂饱和面包,脂肪玻璃牛肉和几片纸质毛茸茸的未煮熟,w弱的培根的卷曲,它们都与奶酪低语和一只乳清蛋黄酱一起聚在一起。培根剂感觉就像是在厨房里被概念的汉堡,但是在一个高管的房间里,他们认为将培根添加到东西上是敢于在停车场与他们作战的烹饪。巨无霸?请。真实的tough guys eat熏肉at温迪的.
As you might have surmised, I had exceptionally low expectations for the Breakfast Baconator, which is advertised on the Wendy’s website as “Grilled sausage, American cheese, Applewood smoked bacon, a fresh-cracked grade A egg, (deep breath) more cheese and more bacon all covered in swiss cheese sauce. Don’t just break your fast. Destroy it.” Nevertheless, I persisted.
This does not need to exist, full stop. I honestly cannot fathom why the innovators at Wendy’s thought the fast food chain needed a breakfast burrito, and why, once they decided to move ahead with this, they did not attempt to make it good. Maybe because they needed something that’s technically lower in carbs? I’m just guessing, and hoping, they didn’t invest many resources into crafting this burrito, because if they put their best and brightest minds together just to come up with this...事物,我要辞去美国,并将在一个洞穴中居住在土地上。这种干燥的玉米饼包裹的干鸡蛋和干香肠的可憎之处在于,应该导致所有其他墨西哥卷饼团结起来以抗议,担心他们的好名声将永远被淡化。我的意思是全部the burritos, from the mythical ones of the West Coast all the way down to the burrito-shaped imitation food products that are sold next to 7-Eleven’s microwave. (#WendysBreakfastBattle)
This is actually pretty good! I enjoyed it as a quick, mindless breakfast nibble, though I have questions about its place in this world. For one, it’s extremely tiny: in the photo at left, the quarter is placed there for scale. Secondly, is this really something I need from Wendy’s? I can easily buy a whole box of breakfast cookies (which this most certainly should be classified as) for under $5, and I can stash them in the glove compartment for breakfast on the go. I can’t imagine idling on line in the drive-thru lane to pick up an oatmeal bar, and yes, I have considered that this is perhaps intended to be a side item for those who are heading to Wendy’s primarily for their morning coffee. Which brings me to the final part of this epic taste test...
I feel personally victimized by the Wendy’s Frosty-ccino, but really, I just got my hopes up. I was excited, even! With all the poor Wendy’s experiences I’ve had in the past, one thing that’s never let me down is the inimitable Frosty, which is not quite a milkshake, not quite ice cream, and, though its ingredients are public for all the world to see, not quite like anything else I’ve ever tasted. The Frosty is better on French Fries than ketchup (especially if you make two stops and get your fries from the closest McDonald’s... #WendysBreakfastBattle). I was expecting the Frosty-ccino to be a trashy affogato, rich with Frosty flavor. Instead, I got cold brew coffee, a bit of vanilla Frosty creamer, and ice. Lots and lots of ice. If it takes you longer than three minutes to drink your coffee, what Wendy’s delivers is a large cup of cold, beige water that you’ll continue to drink since, well, you paid for it—but each sip will remind you how thoroughly you’ve been hoodwinked. The Vanilla Frosty-ccino tastes of coffee, arrogance, and betrayal, and it will be a long time before my heart heals enough to give Wendy’s yet another chance. (Or as long as it takes to develop another craving for the Maple Bacon Chicken Croissant.)