在我居住的芝加哥,任何有坦率建造整个公司城镇并在自己之后命名的工业巨头,最终将埋葬在混凝土和钢铁的坟墓中它在雕像中或其他不满的前雇员的事物做他们被鄙视的老板的遗体。无论如何,无论如何,乔治·普尔曼(George Pullman)是伊利诺伊州铂尔曼(Pullman)的铁路熟睡中的巨头,此后被吸收到芝加哥市。(他非常安全的坟墓位于城市北侧的格雷斯兰公墓。)
宾夕法尼亚州中部是一个更温和的地方。或者,也许只是制造糖果,很难成为一个混蛋。所有这些糖必须在您的心中深入融合。因此,宾夕法尼亚州的好时居民仍然尊重该镇的创始人和同名米尔顿·赫尔希(Milton S. Hershey)为“先生好时。”(另一方面,报纸在他一生中经常被称为巧克力王。)
但是当然还有更多。巧克力王是一名暴君,但仁慈的国王。他永远受到门诺派教育的原则的指导。他从当地的宾夕法尼亚州农民那里买了所有牛奶。他的工厂没有窗户,因为他不希望他的工人分心,但是他为他们建造了一个模特小镇,并设有漂亮的现代房屋,商店以及一切。他甚至为他们建造了一个剧院和游乐园,因此当他们不工作时,他们可以玩得开心。他还建造了一个公墓,以便他们死后可以休息。当抑郁症袭来和对巧克力的需求下降时,好时先生认为这将是让他的工人工作建造一家大型高档酒店的好时机,以便他们可以为诚实的工作(或类似的事情)收取诚实的薪水。他让他们建造了一个圆形的餐厅,所以没人会坐在一个耻辱的黑暗角落里。他将自己家的一楼捐赠给了好时乡村俱乐部,担任其俱乐部会所。 Since he and Mrs. Hershey were unable to have children of his own, Mr. Hershey decided he would build a school for orphans. (White, Christian, male orphans. It was 1909, and, benevolent or not, Mr. Hershey was still a man of his time.) In 1918, three years after Mrs. Hershey died, he decided to put his entire share of the Hershey company—$60 million—into a trust to support the orphans. And when he died much later, in 1945, the Hershey Trust became the majority shareholder of the Hershey Company, the owner of the Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Company (that is, the amusement park and the resorts), and the administrator of the school, which now provides free tuition and board for children—no longer required to be white and male—whose parents can no longer care for them.
我在一月份拜访了好时,对我遇到的几乎所有人的好时先生都感到满意。那是因为我遇到的每个人都是好时公司之一的雇员,我明显的印象是,他们在入学和员工培训期间听到了很多关于好时先生的信息。告诉我很多人的人是一个友好的调酒师萨曼莎(Samantha),他在第二家好时酒店的好时旅馆的一家餐馆工作。整个故事听起来令人难以置信。谁听说过有人有钱的人好的?WHO不会想住在一个专门用于巧克力的公司小镇,那里的大街被称为巧克力大道吗?我参观的那一天温和而阳光明媚,一切看起来都很古朴,和平。Hersheypark中的过山车靠在蓝天上,几乎可以从任何地方可见,而来自Hershey Mainshey植物的六个牛奶筒仓则直奔高大,这是美国繁荣的形象。
The Hershey Trust, unlike many of the tax-exempt foundations established by Mr. Hershey’s fellow industrialists in the early 20th century (Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller), was specified by its founder to serve a very specific group of people, the people of Hershey, Pennsylvania. It’s impossible to forget where you are and what built the town—or who signs your paychecks. The streetlights are shaped like Hershey’s Kisses: they alternate between wrapped and unwrapped. Hershey employees shuttle around town on official company business in little electric cars decorated to look like the packaging for Hershey Bars or Kisses or Kit Kats or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. The artificial smell of chocolate is piped into the hotel lobbies, and little kisses decorate the wallpaper and are embossed on the sheets. The plants loom over everything. There are three: the six-siloed Hershey plant, another plant for Reese’s products (H.B. Reese was a protege of Mr. Hershey who left his job at Hershey to found his own candy factory; the two companies merged in 1963), and the old factory, which has been converted into corporate headquarters.
联盟的组织似乎无处不在 - 至少就报纸而言 - 以1937年美联社的一个故事的形式消失了。。好时先生试图通过提醒他们每年的教育费用为1,000美元来吸引他们的慈善感。这并不顺利:工人反驳说,他们至少应该与两个孤儿一样多。然后,奶农生气了,因为好时是他们的主要客户之一。他们和一群被称为“忠实的员工”的人冲进了工厂打破罢工。他们的领导人告诉他们:“请确保您不会打朋友。”(有商标赫尔希(Hershey)批发!)尽管如此,仍然有鲜血。这结束了工会的努力,但三年后,工人成功地完成了面包店,糖果,烟草工人和谷物磨坊主国际联盟的第464章;当地的464建筑物短而深蹲,就在城里中部。
到今天,至少根据在巧克力中,我们信任, an ethnographic study of the town and corporation by Peter Kurie, himself a Hershey native, union members refer to Mr. Hershey as “Milton,” sort of like the way adults refer to their parents by their first names to show that they’ve moved past feelings of awe straight into contempt. Over time, the number of employees in Hershey has shrunk, due to the company moving some of its operations to Mexico; in 2011, when Kurie was doing his study, 1,100 people worked in the Pennsylvania plant, approximately a third of the number of workers at the company’s peak in the 1960s. And the union has had reason to strike, most recently over health benefits. But after the resolution of the most recent strike, in 2002, the union took an active role in a townwide campaign to prevent the Hershey company from being sold. The reasoning, one union official told Kurie, was that the known quantity was better than the unknown. That’s a strange sort of loyalty.
如果好时公司被出售,会发生什么?有些人认为,好时先生正在考虑在他去世之前卖光,他本来想继续赚钱。但是没人知道。一些好时的工人向库里抱怨说,“新人”更感兴趣地获利,以保存家庭的感觉,这是好时文化的一部分。(威廉·迪登(William Dearden),首席执行官,他在1980年代恢复了好时的命运,确保里斯的作品在电影中突出显示E.T.,毕业于米尔顿·赫尔希学校(Milton Hershey School)。