一个叫威廉·克罗农(William Cronnon)的人在饼干桶中用餐,并送了一杯液体,他认为这是冰水。不幸的是,在s饮并感到嘴和喉咙发出灼热的感觉之后,克朗农开始发现他被送给了一种叫做Eco-san的化学物质。当时,这种化学物质被用来清洁厨房。
Obviously, the verdict rubbed Cracker Barrel the wrong way, because a media relations representative for the company emailed CNN and stated, “While we have great respect for the legal process, we are obviously disappointed by and strongly disagree with the jury’s award in this case, which involved an unfortunate and isolated incident that occurred at one of our stores eight years ago.”